Monday, September 17, 2012

23+5 high risk check up!

Quicky post about today's visit!  Kinley is doing great she is a nice 1 pound 7 oz and now out weighs her big brother's birth weight he was 1 pound 5 oz at birth LOL.  She was head down but that girl better know she is not going anywhere!  Her head was slightly turned to my hip so she was not as engaged which she has been which is awesome cause I have less pressure and feels great!  It was hard to get any face shots because of her position though!  Cervix was still funneling but was a nice 3.66 cm in length which is very very nice.  My blood pressure was good but we are watching it as it is a couple points higher then my normal.  She was healthy and moving around nicely so mommy was happy as the anxiety about her seems to be seeping in and getting worse by the day!  I think not working isn't helping that there is just so much more to worry about and so much more time to sit and think about it!  Going to share some pictures and maybe some moving clips if I can get them downloaded for sure!  Maybe tomorrow I will post some pregnancy shots and start taking pictures of her room in progress!

Still a little girl LOL

Her little feet!

Mom why are you trying to take my picture I would rather attempt at shoveling my hands in my mouth...LOL

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