Tuesday, February 22, 2011

25 weeks!!

YAY!  I am glad to make it to this point and don't get me wrong I want to forsure keep on going!  I am hoping for as close to term as possible and lately I really feel I will make it.  I am just happy to know she has a great chance now just like her brother which she is already bigger then him and growing well so hopefully that gives her a better edge too and she is a girl and girls are known to do much better in the NICU then boys.  So I really feel excited to know we are actually going to get a baby out of this deal!  I celebrated by burning a few more holes in the debit card and buying some storage stuff for Delanie's nursery and a crib mattress and changing pad and a more nuetral shower curtain for them cause the other one I have the paint is coming off of and making a big of a mess in the shower.  I don't think I will ever be buying a latex shower curtain again.  This one is cloth so hopefully will do better.  Not sure if I will have to buy a liner for it I guess I will see when it gets here.  My sister and I chatted about storage and decided we were going to put up alot of shevles in the closet so I purchased a bunch of baskets and totes to place on the shevles when they are put up.  Getting excited I can't wait to see the room all done up and ready for her to come home too!  I am really hoping and praying CLOSE TO TERM!  I have two doctor's appts coming up one this Thursday which is a regular appt to my OBGYN and then another one Monday which is to my high risk doctor and I will get another sono and cervix remeasurement.  HOPEFULLY a great appt to keep on going!  I will also remind her about steriods as she said we would start taking them then just incase.  Which I don't want to lose out on those precious meds if something should happen quick like my BP spike or labor start.  I want her to have every chance and one up she can possibly have!

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